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Game bugged out on death > start for me. Couldn't move or anything else.

Otherwise, very simple game but quite functional. (no falling through the floor or anything of that sorts) 

Very neat art I've to admit. With some more animations could've looked quite great honestly.

Love the pre-story before the game starts, I always like it when games include some lore.

Not going to lie, couldn't figure out how to get past the godzilla looking guy


Sorry you encountered that bug! We had very limited time for testing and didn't catch it. We also didn't have quite enough time to animate the enemies, although I agree it would have added a lot. The final boss is supposed to have a random chance of dropping a health potion in front of you every time you hit him, but this may make it difficult to fight him if you didn't have that much health to begin with when you got there. Again, we had limited time for testing. I think I only played through the submitted project once, and even then I think I got to the boss by just jumping over all the other enemies.