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(2 edits) (+2)

This game is INCREDIBLE!!
I got so much into it, I almost fell in love with Judie, Lauren and Carla too. They're all so cute and well written! (Iris and Jasmine are quite lovable too.)
But damn, this game's so good, the story, the characters, the humor (god I burst in laugher so many times! Stabby Mike please... xD)
And the storytelling's so good omg. It also takes quite a lot of time to get to the end. And I love it, took me about 20 hours, and it's not even finished!
It's a simple 5 out of 5 from me. A masterpiece!

From France with love. 

(And Judie is best girl I love her. Carla is a close second!) <3

Thank you so much Shock 🧡🧡🧡🧡