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(1 edit)

*door bell rings*

Fuse: hm? *opens door*

Mailman: Deleviery for Mr. [REDACTED].

Fuse: ayo, don't just say my last name out loud, I trusted this company with it. Tell your manager or boss or whatever to tell the emplyees, that I said when you deliver something for me, don't say my last name out loud, or don't mention it. Got it?

Mailman: *nods*

Fuse: *takes letter* *sits down to read it*

*slaps back* HEY fuse! Whatcha got there?

Fuse: STFU! *breaks chonk boi's kneecaps*. 


Dear Fuse,

What we want:

We, The Pokegraphs, want to write a biography about you're interesting life, to do that, we want to interview you. 

Why you should accept us:

We have written, corrected, and published biographies and books about the discoveries of famous people, both past and present.

How the interview will be like, and where will it be:

The interview will ask about your life, discoveries, achievements, and adventures. We hope you're comfortable with this.

When will the interview happen:

Well, it's your choice! Write a note in the line below us of when you want it.



So, what do you think? accept or decline in the line below here.



The Pokegraphs.


what the  fuuuuuuuuuuuu-