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oh cool my day went a bit like

4pm wake up you're tired and you barely slept

9pm attempt to fix sleep only to come to a miserable failure

12am weep about your insomnia

1am drink coffee or a fizzy drink cause that'll totally help

2am get a sudden urge to draw something nice, pick up the book, stare at a blank page for a bit, then put everything down and cry about the fact that you can't draw shit

3-5am do a bunch of quizzes cause what else are ya gonna do weep about your insomnia more?

6am realize you didn't change your status, come back online, and end up staying even though you were watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S 

7am watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S and realize just how lonely you are

10am weep about everything else

12pm existential questions

2pm try to sleep

3pm sleep for 30 minutes, wake up then go back to sleep for 30 minutes

this is my daily schedule and I use it every day.

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yes it is

boo this  happen every time to me