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Holy fucking hell.  The siege scenes were brutal.   "NTR" is avoidable".  Then the writer NTRed an entire city.  Very effective story-telling. Very Berzerk-esque.  I was absolutely livid the entire time.  The existential crisis my character was having in relation to maybe he should have just rotted in that prison in scene 1 of the game :P  It almost felt like the twins hubris is getting the better of them.   They didn't dangle a big enough carrot in front of Rowan in the outcome of that battle- or maybe they just feel like they don't need Rowan anymore?

Also- after doing all that there is no way Rowan should only be level 3 :P  

Not sure why it isn't an option in the Greymane vs Andras scene to just let greymane kill him / do nothing / help him kill him.  Maybe for a bad ending?  
Obviously you cannot just off him- it wouldn't be good for the story......yet! :P

Seemed like an obvious choice to make if you find Andras and Jezera absolutely horrible sadists.

If there is no ability to off Andras by the time the game is finished- I will put his charter files on a flash drive and smash it with a hammer.....then end my own life.