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Hello everyone!as you can see this game is empty,if you have anything/any word you want me to add to the Sayori"s reactions

Here are some ideas for things the player could say and sayori could reply:

Player: Are you happy? Sayori: Knowing im here with you, of course im happy. I hope you are too.

Player: Hello Sayori: Hi there

Player: Do you miss mc? Sayori: Yeah... a little, but now im here with you, mc was only an A.I. I get to talk to a real person now!

Those were some of my ideas, hope this mod gets more updates/improvments.

Sayori: You like me!

MC: Hmmm, not really

Sayori: What?

(Sayori hangs herself for 2 secs)

(Sayori goes into original position again)

Sayori: Do you like me?

(Shows two options)

Yes, I don't just like you I love you

Yes, I don't just like you I love you

Sayori: Yay!

Sayori: Next time, don't leave me (text glitches for the word 'hanging') hanging!

Thank you for reading :)

Deleted 5 years ago