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I don't think I can get there again


For the record, this particular screenshot is from a version made after the June Jam deadline and hosted elsewhere, not the version that should be rated for June Jam. You can tell by the fact that there are 6 boost meters at the bottom, not just 3.

Yeah I get that now, my bad. I didn't realize it until I started playing this one.


Oh, no problem at all. We're very psyched that you enjoyed the game, whichever version you played. I just wanted to make sure that jam-wise we're being rated only on what we did before the deadline, that's all.

For what it's worth, since I was the programmer I've probably played more Cicada Storm than anyone so far, and your 721 kills in the post-jam version is way higher than my best score in the post-jam version!

That's wild I even got that much, also I hope your game goes far! Lookin forward to future updates B)

Here's the one for this one, I'm sorry.