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* Little spoilers *

Wow I don't know what to say, really a fascinating job, I enjoyed every minute of this Vn, how it plays with morals and feelings as a person. I was hurt by Butch, I had become fond of him despite the fact that he is a secondary character although I understand that he is a factor for the story, even so I would have liked that he could be saved in some way, and second, I It worries that you have been able to create a criminal mind like Valentine hahahaha aside the jokes, I congratulate you on this work, do you plan to create other Vn?

(An apology if my English is not very good, it is not my native language)



Thanks so much for your feedback and for playing the game! I totally understand the hurt when it comes to Butch, it was a hard decision because I really liked him as a character too, and I debated a long time, but for Trinity's character development, it was a necessary step... I hope this gives you a bit of insight in the decision process that came with it ^^

As for coming up with Valentine, I don't even know myself how I conjured up someone as messed up as him XD

Thank you very much for your kind words! To answer your final question, I do plan another VN! It will be completely different than Valentine's Rain, however; the plan is for a more linear romance/horror VN. It's still in conceptual stages and I also have a different artist doing the artwork for it; so it could take a few months before it's ready, sadly.

Thanks again for your comment and review! It means the world to me!


PS: your english is perfectly fine haha; english is also my second language believe it or not; don't underestimate your abilities! :)


Well, it really doesn't matter how long your next Vn takes, the best things take time and seeing how fascinated I was with Valentine's Rain, I can say it will be worth the wait. 

And thank you, it's nice to know that my time learning English is not a waste.

PS. And if you need a translator, I can help you in my free time with the Spanish translation, so that your Vn reaches more people.

Thanks so much! I hope it will be worthwhile haha :)

Aww, that's a really kind offer! I will have to respectfully decline, however, though it really means a lot that you'd offer ^^ I have a few reasons but the two big ones are the scope of the project itself and quality assurance. It might not seem like so but the game total 450000 words, which would be quite an undertaking to translate for anyone. As for quality assurance, while I have no doubt you would do an excellent translation job, I wouldn't be able to verify it, which is really important to me. This product has my name on it and while there are mistakes in it, I pride myself in having personally quadrupled checked every update and every path to ensure there were as few as possible.

Thanks again for the offer though! Really means a lot ^^