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Btw an easier way to do the sprites in game would just be downloading the sprites I sent you before and then overlaying it on daddy dearests image and then play his week to see if the sprites glitch out or teleport 


what paint software do i need to do that? I use paint 3d

Alright I figured it out. So what happens is when i play is that the idle uh just a transparent daddy dearest the left and down sprites or right are fine up is just a white thingy

and when i play new its just madness.

(1 edit)

here’s the updated sprite sheet so it might work better and also this is a screenshot since it can only handle 3 mb images so I suggest you get discord so I can send you the high quality transparent ones so it doesn’t glitch out, and were the sprites teleporting?

Actually yeah they kinda were and also im on a school pcand discord be block but are you able to send them to me on gamejolt? if so. heres the link to my acc.

I sent a friend request!


i sent you sumthin on gamejolt