Hello Alias, your project has a lot of potential and i really love the art work with the girls they're really cute and thicc and the story starts well with the inspiration of konosuba ^^ Is there gonna be more gameplay mechanics for the future like more dialogue choices for the story or can we change the outfits and hairstyle of the MC some things like that ? and with fetichisme there's gonna be like feet, legs, assjobs , ect ?
and for the issues i've been through the game there were some bugs with some dialogs or the transition beetween some rooms or scenes but i think this is a good start even with the bugs this can be resolved on the updates ^^
Well this is pretty optimistic for the future ^^ create this game with your heart don't rush things ignore the destructive critics and this game gonna reach the top with the other excellent porn games.
Hope your doing well ^^
Sorry for the bad english ^^'