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I’m up..

Please tell me

Why y’all up at 11:00 when ya got schoolllll

Do you not get tireddddddd

I don’t have school but like I can’t stay up that long without passing out

Lads whyyyyyyy

I'm just nocturnal :)

yeah because your three raccoons in a trench coat-

I’m a polmer rabbit who  eats the guts of mortals-

ok am I three racoons in a trench coat-

or am I a swarm of crows and ravens trying to sneak into a taco bell? 


Maybe...maybe not


I know you ain’t a mortal-

You some type ghost or demon or idk

Scary person-

no ur nawttt

Its 8 in da mornings here B]》

8:02 for meh-

i 4got we had the same timezone 


So your not drunk on Canadian syrup /j


Depends on what you mean by "drunk" 

ah I see-