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(Thanks you, so Do you want me to start?)

(Oh-ye can if ye wish!) 

Vincent was in and out of his office getting ready for his next patient to have surgery on, the little girl has something stuck In her throat and well, that's not ok so for right now they are getting supplies and she is just with her mom, he is looking around for the medical scissors and he finds them. He goes back to his office having all supplies and asks 12 doctors to come to his office and they do, they grabbed the supplies and started walking to the room. When they got there she was seizing, they had to get her under control and once they did they started the surgery.

Kira comes into this office-now you might be asking me-how the fricking frack did she get in-how did she know this was happening? ...Don't worry about it >:). She's leaning in the doorway, watching this unfold 

"Almost done, cut it and them you'll be done."

Sweat was coming down his face and his hair was wet and he didn't wanna touch it cause he had blood on his gloves so he looked like he came out of a hot shower, SEXYYY BOIIISSS.

Yeah Kira is not even REMOTELY interested in him. In fact, she hasn't looked at him once this whole time. She's staring VERY intently at the girl, just quietly watching all of this from the doorway 

"Stiches, someone has too do stitches!"

"I'll do them sir."

"Alright then, she'll be fine after the stitches is she gets the stitches she can't talk yet, but it's something."

"Alright sir."

"I'll help close the air part after I have to go do some work."

"Alrighr Sir."

they all went back to work

"quietly to herself Ah fuck...fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckkkkkkk-"         

He looked at the door way cause he heard something amd made direct eye contact.

"If your gonna be here, dont be loud."

Oh she glares RIGHT back. like-she is not intimidated by this man.             

"Wasn't being loud."