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It's a smol person sitting on the bench reading. Despite the fact that it's cold out, he is not wearing a jacket and is in fact wearing an off the shoulder sweater tucked into a short skirt with knee-high socks-so y'know, NOT appropriate winter clothes. He doesn't seem to be shivering though. 

Sam: -he walked over- hey- uhm- are you cold-?


He looks up and Sam sees this: 

Sam takes 10 cuteness damage. He smiles up at him, big red eyes sparkling in the lamplight 

"Not at all! Why, should I be?" 

Sam: -he blushed a bit not expecting that but as quick as it came it the blush went away- <>_<> because its night . . and in the winter time . .

"Ah-well-guess I just don't get cold easily!"

Sam: i- uhm. . i g-guess-?

"So you-wanna sit? I can move-" 

Sam: oh- no im sorry- i-im just out for a walk. im mean i can sit down i-if you want- but i- uhm- -sOciAl aNxIETy-

He laughs a little, a very warm sound 

"Pft-you don't have to be so nervous, I don't-well...I'm friendly!"

Sam: ah- i-im just nervous around people in general, sorry . .