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Dorothy walked into the shop and looked at everyone there. She took a seat and grabbed a water bottle from her bag

Rena jept doing her job like a regular person would anands started wiping tables done before her break for the medicine.

Dorothy’s water bottle fell onto the floor and she picked it up quickly. But there was a drop of blood on the floor Dorothy’s hands seemed fine. No injuries or anything

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She walked over to Dorothy's table and wiped it down

"Hey, love..can you pick the water bottle up..?"

Dorothy picked up the bottle and put it in her bag

she looked up at her and showed her beautiful fox eyes, her pink eyes glistens.

"Thanks love."

She kept wiping the table then looked at her apple watch.

“n-no problem.”

Dorothy looked at the window and took her phone out

"Well, time for medicine.."

She grabbed the rag she was using for the table and looked down and saw blood.

"Erm..are you bleeding love..?"

She looked up at her

“erm... yes? I should... go to a pharmacy...”

Dorothy held her finger as if it was cut but it looked fine previously 


"Let me see the finger, I have band-aids.."