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(Mhmmmmmm-alright so, hehehehheh where do you wanna start this love)

oh lords I don't know-

(1 edit)

(I-..mmmm..No ideas ey love..?)

(I mean I haz ideas-I am not-without ideas-do you want me to start?)

(Yes please)


It's about 11 at night and GIton can't sleep. He decides to go for a walk, shivering a bit because of the cold. There's no one else around-y'know, it's late and all. As he's walking, he sees a small figure sitting on a bench, illuminated by a streetlamp.  

He's curious but he's seen .ovies, when he goes over there his whole life is gonna change so he was just like no, I am not with that bullshit.

He hears the person humming happily-it's "Ms. Jackson" 

-Oh what the hell man, I couldn't sleep this one night and this happened nope I am-nope. Not dealing with it

he started walking away


He perks his head up 

"Is-someone there?" 

That is not the voice of a murderer-that is the voice of a cinammon roll.