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I did a thing

naruto oc

Ninja academy:

Name: mina Suzukite 

Age: 11

Rank: academy student 

Specialty: disappearing ninjutsu 

Chakra type: unknown 

Stamina: 8/10 

Speed: 6/10

Intelligence: 6/10

Nin: 5/10

Gen: 5/10

Tai: 7/10


Genin / first introduction to the ninja world 

Age: 12-13 

Rank: genin

Speciality: substitution ninjutsu - hand to hand combat 

Chakra type: unknown 

Stamina: 18/20

Speed: 17/20

Intelligence: 18/20

Nin: 16/20

Gen: 15/20

Tai: 19/20


Written exams

Age: 13

Rank: genin

Speciality: hand to hand combat 

Stamina: 26/30

Speed: 20/30

Intelligence: 25/30

Nin: 23/30

Gen: 22/30

Tai: 26/30


Forest of death


Preliminary exams


That one month before the final exams


Final exams


Garra battle 


Sasuke retrieval mission 

Time skip far into the future (three years)


Kazekage rescue mission

Age: 16

Rank: chunin

Stamina: 46/50

Speed: 48/50

Intelligence: 46/50

Nin: 48/50

Gen: 39/50

Tai: 59/50


4th great shinobi war: countdown


4th great shinobi war: confrontation 


4th great shinobi war: climax


The birth of the ten tailed beast


Return to konaha 

Age: 18

Rank: chinin (qualified for jonin) 

Speciality: hand to hand combat

Stamina: 66/70

Speed: 58/70

Nin: 59/70

Gen: 67/70

Tai: 69/70 


Naruto's wedding 

Age: 19

Rank: chunin

(Stats stay the same)


Everything after that

Age: 20

Rank: retired shinobi 


If you made it to tha end, gud job :) have a this thing 🛃