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I really love level design and art in the game. Solving puzzles is real fun and I think it's great that spitting mechanic is used both for puzzles and fighting, and with that in mind, the gameplay is really diverse from level to level. The music is great and really suits the vibe of each location. Each level and their arrangement seem to have different energy levels, like fight with PE teacher is real dynamic, and then u have more of a chill level where u're trynna sneak past the teacher in the classroom, and then the game becomes dynamic again when you're trying to avoid red doctors. Loved the game, keep it up, great work!

(1 edit) (+1)

Glad you enjoyed it !  :)

- Jad  (Lead Programmer)


Thank you for playing The Slappening!
We greatly appreciate your feedback and are happy to hear that you enjoyed the game! 

-Dess (Art Director)