I just wanted to say, I get this. I understand why. But I have a request... please, if you keep it like that, can you have it open the incognito browser instead to do it... pleeease. Or at the very least ask the player whether or not they would like to visit the site. Something like that... I really hate deleting my browsing history every time I play the game. Not only that it feels forced which is never good. It makes a person less likely to even play let alone pay for games when they do that...
Other than that I really don't mind it taking me to a page where I can see what the most recent updates on the game are. I just don't want it saved on my browser. It makes me feel... insecure I guess?. And also, kudos for your honesty and being to the point in that last comment. That gave me a good chuckle. I just feel really uncomfortable when this stuff is saved in history. It's not a good feeling at all. Probably from being abused as a child for nothing but what's new.
Also, I play tested Fui's Forest. Cute. Kinda nostalgic of my N64 days. Wish their was more to it though. Wish it was more of a sniping game with a bolt action rifle instead of an automatic. Powerful but low rate of fire. One shot one kill sort of deal with perfect head shots and what not. Kind of like what a cat does when it pounces on its prey. Hunting, stalking, waiting for the perfect moment to strike for the kill. Maybe a reward system foe doing so... Never did figure out how to lay down in the grass though. It's also a shame there aren't really any consequences for the creatures reaching her or sneaking up on her other than death and a restart from the garden... Still, not bad for what you did in your spare time. Only you know if you'll turn it into something special other than what it already is. Probably not though right?. Just speaking my mind.
Sorry, I'm getting carried away with my comment again. This section is supposed to be for Rain only. Love the name by the way. There is something very relaxing about the game as well. Probably the sound of the rain. I will enjoy play testing the new version once you update it. Wish I could give you some feedback on Rain but like you texted, the games severely out of date so there is really no point in outdated feedback is there... unless of course it pertains to the most recent version as well. Hope it's soon. Until then, thanks for reading.
- "It's a real 'shame'." :/
- "Saying something is often times, better than saying nothing at all..." ^_^