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I don't know if I should . . . ? Any who I guess I could go on about Kana, so I suppose let's see both his parent's died he was blamed for it. He liked being blamed for things. He was given a knife and called a murderer he liked it and kept it for years to come. That woman was his abusive step mom who he loved a lot. He loved everything about her but of course Cherry had to step in and ruin his life for no reason so yeah B) he liked the abuse you could say he even loved it. AHEM SO I COULD GO ON AND ON ABOUT THE ABUSE HE FACED AND HOW HE ABSOLUTELY ADORED IT BUT WHAT ABOUT CHERRY HUH

No. Lets not go into that.

A b o u t .  C h e r r y .  .  . 

Is your plan to annoy me into submission?

Perhaps? Ahem, so Cherry. I am pretty sure that Cherry that new one is not actually Cherry how can someone change there hair color and eye color so quickly, and clothes too for that matter. Also sounds like a case of being bipolar that could also be it. Perhaps your oc is a gemini?! Sus, I am calling out a sussy baka 

the hair is still pink- and j just couldnt remember the eye colour so lets just say she was wearing contacts. Also i can change that fast. And she is not bipolar. Not a gemini. Its- waitttt. Oh you sneaky little- fine. She has DID are ya happy?

☆ Hmm, I suppose.. NO I'M NOT TELL ME THE FULL STORY GR I MUST KNOW ahem, so A b o u t .  C h e r r y .  .  .

*inhale* fine. I’ll be out of commission for a bit so i can write it. Now give me a bit.

Ez gamer play B )

Cherry was born into the world and her parents took a look at her beuti- wait... did i say beautiful? I meant they thought she looked like a piece of trash. Cherry’s original name was actually- and get this- they named her, Mosquito. Why? Because they’re annoying... so she was neglected often almost starving at times. She was called a thing rather than her actual gender which is why she has a male personality that you have not met yet. And a non-binary one that you have also not met yet. She was abused for a long time and the reason she wasnt saved was because hardly anyone even knew she existed. She wasnt allowed anywhere. When her mother passed her father almost strangled her to death. Its not like she cared she almost died multiple times anyway. So eventually they had guests over and Cherry was found. Cherry didnt want to go. But then she started saying she wanted to leave. The people were confused so they asked cherry if she wanted to come with them and she said yes. They took her away and a few moments after being released she started crying to go home again. After she was cleaned and fed. They went to a doctor who diagnosed her with Dissociative personality disorder as she kept changing what she said the whole time. Each time with a different personality. The wierd family adopted her (btw shes much older than Kana) at this point shes about as old as Kana but they determined that the disorder was from a far younger age. Its uncurable as gar as i know so Cherry just lives with it. Her true personality is unknown. Dissociative personality disorder is usually to cover up the original person as they hide behind their many personalities. Mosquito’s true person still cant come out quite yet and doesnt feel safe yet. Some of her personalities are still just failsafes to make sure no one gets to the real cherry.

Why is that actually interesting- ayo that is kinda good ngl I guess as long as Cherries other personalities are very mean or cruel he won’t mind them at all he is like an empty shell of what a person should be. Except he does have his own personalities bad ones, and bad ones only YOU COULD SAY THAT HE HAS NOT A NICE BONE IN HIS BODY BUT NOR DOES HE HAVE ANYTHING ELSE IN THERE 

how is he still alive?