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(5 edits) (+1)

More control over the light source at all would be good, even if it was just to choose where it's located overhead.

Maybe a new layer type where the object is above the Front? Call it Above or call it Front and change the current Front to Midplane. Have a checkbox that causes an object to be transparent if another object occupies the same space as it (player sprite runs behind a foreground wall or pole)

In the same vein: a value for z offset so the entity doesn't have to be located symmetric about its plane axis?

New Patterns like:
Upward Wedge (useful for the Mega Man title cards)
Downward Wedge
Rightward Wedge
Leftward Wedge (these two might world well for like Legend of Zelda)
Pyramid/Cone (the point would be toward the player)
Inverse Pyramid/Cone (A divot)
Dome (bulges out toward the player; good for giant eyes in the wall)
Inverse Dome (inward; good for giant mouths in the wall)
Inverse Bevel

Game Genie support