❝A Joe Dirt dvd❞
Basic Info
ंFull name: Zaran Ryle Crosby
ंNickname(s): Zaza
ंPlace of birth: Illinois
ंBirthdate: August 5th
ंSexuality: bi
ंReligion: Agonistic
ंStyle: idek at this point
ंHair color: (natural hair colour: black) blue
ंEye color:green
ंSkin complexion: tan
ंBlood type: -O
ंHeight: 5'4
General Attitude
ंPersonality:happy, playful, crazy, honest, loyal
ंNormal mood: happy
ंGood habits: playing with her eyes
ंBad habits:hopping around a lot
ंLikes: strawberries
ंDislikes: dark chocolate
ंStrengths: running and jumping
ंWeaknesses: s t r a w b e r r i e s
ंSoft spot: baby bunnies :)
ंBest friend: a small mouse named Rio
ंSpouse:N a h
ंChildren/Pets: n a n
Rating, 0/10
ंIntelligence: 7/10
ंConfidence: 9/10
ंWisdom: 2/10
ंAgility: 10/10
ंStamina: 10\10
ंCooperation: 8/10
ंTemper: bad
ंPatience: bad
ंCharisma: good
ंSense of humor: GREAT
ंOptimist or Pessimist?: O
ंDaredevil or cautious?: C
ंLogical or emotional?: E
ंDisorderly or neat?: N
ंWorking or relaxing?: R
ंConfident or unsure?: U
ंFavorite color: Red
ंHated color: pink
ंFavorite food: strawberries
ंHated food: anything bready
ंFavorite drink: milk
ंHated drink: water
ंFavorite place: her house
ंHated place: school
ंFavorite music: pop
ंHated music: country
Theme song: Sleepover by Ashnikko and Princess Nokia