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multiplication sucks i learn it and 12 minutes later i forget it, for example i stayed up all noght studying my 7 in 3 rd grade (starting from 3:10 pm when i got home  to 4:00 am when my mom told me i needed to go to sleep) AND I FORGOT IT SO I WAS CRYING AND WHEN SHE ASKED ME WHAT WAS WRONG I TOLD HER AND MY FRIEND WHO SAT IN THE BACK STARTED LAUGHING AT ME SO I LOOKED AT HER AND GOT UP WALKED OVER TO HIM AND TOLD HIM “Its not funny i could’ve been sleeping if you gonna laugh then go look in the mirror and laugh at yourself because you look hilarious in the dumb hoodie shirt, shorts and the unicorn socks everyone can clearly see even though you wore sneakers, now leave me alone you dont have eye bags like me i stayed up for hours while you spend you hours on your XBox or whatever thing you play on to 7:00 in the morning, i’m not dumb i know who better than anyone in this classroom, even the teachers i’ve been with you since kindergarten try me” so he said “When my birthday then if you know me better than anyone” so i told him his birthday and he said “How many dogs do i have and what are their names?” So I said “Three, Ghost, Lilly, and Pepper.” And i was right again so he was like “ThenHow many siblings do i have and what are their genders?” So i said “You have and older brother, older sister, and a younger sister. That makes three.” So he said “You really do,” so i walked back to my seat and sat down why did i tell you that to prove how much i suck at at multiplication oh i dont know but my fingers are moving faster than my keyboard can keep up so it looks really cool anyways i can stop telling long stories now sorry for wasting your time.

Ok. It's fine. I enjoyed reading that.

Okay thats good :)