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creepy pasta character.

The Filmmaker/Director 

The Filmmaker is said to float around with seemingly no legs or arms. It wears a short dress made of wool and lined with sheep wool, an authentic cheetah fur coat and a snake scarf. It appears as a normal woman in the normal human world. When it turns it's face is in a large twisted smile and it has no nose. It's hair is in a tight ponytail. It only goes up to "cast" new characters for her "movie" (she steals people's souls and forces them to live in her never ending movie until they die.) At night it retracts the legs and arms it previously had and it's eyes go back to empty black holes. It has a small camera on it's head. It lurks in the shadows almost invisible. If it catches someone it's camera turns on and films a short video which takes their soul and puts them in a movie Directed by it. If they don't do as it says their soul will perish and it will simply be another mystery disappearance. If they do. Then they will die naturally and it will appear as a murder in the normal realm. A murder framed on an innocent person. So at night. If you see it in your home town or city in the morning that is, shut your curtains and double check your doors if you want to live normally. And whatever you do. Do not. Let it. See you.