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Hello, world!

Well, that was another great week for my project and, even though I'm still stuck in the combat system, I'm slowly finishing the foundation for the battle & animations systems. Milestones of the week:

Since my focus this week was to give a better visual feedback of what was going on, I decided to start by letting the actors rotate/look at. With this, I could then add the hit rates algorithm (which's basically Accuracy - target's Athletics), with a bonus when attacking from the target's sides and an even higher if from their back.

And then a simple health bar and a decent damage popup (along with these hit animations):

At this point, I decided to do a huge refactor of my code since the classes were poorly organized; it looks like this:

I spent countless hours removing unneeded classes, moving others to where they belong and renaming what had to be renamed. It broke my project completely so I had to go back to the old version and keep this mess. So, at the moment, I'm just praying they fix it some day, while I have to keep looking at it and spending time trying to find stuff. XD

For example, I have a folder named Cyborg, where every Cyborg-related classes should be located, but I can't move the Cyborg.cs class there because it breaks everything, same for the Manager folder and its class, and there's also LOTS of classes that I won't use but I keep there to avoid any surprise. T_T

Later on, I decided to come up with a Game (Manager) class that'd load the databases (weapons, AIs and such), and replace "databases" done with scenes and nodes:

Which were ugly and messy, and made every item an object, with a proper loading/unloading when applicable.

So yeah, that's basically what I've achieved this week, getting this as result:

The AI plays till the end by itself and, even though they all have the same AI cards, the equipped weapon kind of shapes their strategy differently. So this is it, thanks for reading and see you next week, hopefully! :D