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you wanna rp with bby sam? :)

yed pleade 


should i start or you wans start?

can nu start
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because i have been nominated with the pleasure of startin am gonna start with +* drama *+ your welcome

Sam: -he's running rather quickly into woods (? unless it should be somewhere else), clearly panicked or terrified. he hides behind a tree.-

[you can hear shouting in the distance]

he's like uh 7-8 at this point))

(oke, imm age down Anjelica to abt 8-11)

Anjie: -she's sitting in a tree (in da woods) looking down upon him- 

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Sam: -his clothes are rather plain like. dirty hand-me downs. he wearing a dirty white shirt, and grey shorts. the back of the shirt has a hole for his wings to go through, or- wing- there is a stub where another wing should be and it's covered in duck tape. whoever took it off wanted him to feel pain when they went to fix it. almost like a punishment. the other wing has lots of feathers missing, not completely naked but there are a few patches of skin. he has several scars and cuts on his back,  back of his neck, and his elbow to his shoulder. he has white ram horns and feathers on his ear.- -he looks like he's trying disappear or go invisible-

[the yelling is getting closer and closer it sound worried and furious. not the nice kind of worried though]

???: Samuel!? where are you?!

(haha big drama )

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Anjie: -she's relatively clean, she has a white knee length dress on and noe shoes, she's got one eye covered and a small bunch of blue flowers growing out of the other- 

Anjie: Hey... are you oke? (her voice is really soft and gentle ) 

Tha flowers kinda looks like that

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Sam: AH- -he turned to look at you, scared.- P-please dont h-hurt me!! -his hand are up like he's protecting his head-

oooo pretty))

anjie: Hurt... you? -she starts to climb out of the tree- 

im assuming you are now terrified.

i was playing slime rancer 

now im scared.

my my brother and i were looking for a mint mango to give my honey slimes

I found it :] 

I had to make major adjustments to my farm though and m

Had to move my crystal slimes into my phosphor slime corral and the phosphor slimes are currently loose in my cave and now the old crystal slime corral is a mango garden