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whereas i've owned this game for years and have the pride of helping fund it (even if just by a few bucks; heck, the only reason i haven't subbed to patreon is b/c i have a personal hate for subscriptions), i still feel the pressing need to mention how absolutely incredible this game is.

the storyline is incredibly compelling, with a solid hook. at first, i shrugged it off, thinking it was just "one of those games"; and then, i was completely proven wrong.

warning // spoilers //

the voice acting is tremendous. i can't imagine any of the characters without it. these choices were perfect. kikka's voice has a sense of familiarity, bemelle's ties in the "bastard" personality perfectly, margret gives the curt, whimsical feel of her character, the guide's offers a smooth, stoic, and surreal feel that deeply contrasts his emotions (honestly my favorite), and lu really hits home with the meek and insecure voice.

the art is breath-taking. it brings so much vivid life and color that i could drone on for days about all of the ways it went right. the lighting is beautiful, the emotions perfect, the texture wondrous.

the storyline ties it all together. the rich vocabulary ties it all together with a novel's disposition. its timing, emphasis, the shocking plot twists, the way that you can notice so many more foreshadowing and details once playing it through... and then again. i fawn over the guide and lu's set-up and characterization; it really pulls you in for a parasocial relationship, and tricks you into the false sense of security and humanity.
there's still so much more to show that it's truly the backbone of it all.

i play this game from time to time, and i will continue to recommend it to others. i cannot stop fawning over the perfection of it, and it's an incredible shame that it's so criminally underrated.


if you can, play the game, support the devs. it's too good to be free. i wonder if, one day, there'll be more content than just the bonuses and previous story.

I read what u wrote. Ill give a go to this game