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DIRYOW? Day Three -- 7 January 2017

Intentionally doing poorly in a rhythm game is surprisingly difficult yo

User input works now; the notes just blink out of existence, but that'll get fixed in a later pass along with all the other terrible VFX (which is also the reason this is a GIF rather than a video with sound; trust me, though, the song is playing). Audio/visual synchronization will have to be done manually on a per-song basis, which is why the notes don't reach their receivers in time with the receivers blinking.  The power bar in the center increases on successful hits, with a higher increase for a more accurate hit, and decreases with misses; in the larger context of the game, the power bar is what you'll use to activate attack and defense abilities that add notes to the beatmap and serve as the 'combat' part of the combat system.

Slow day apart from that; I fiddled with tilesets and map building, dialogue display, and writing, but don't have anything that makes a particularly exciting screenshot. The plan for tomorrow is plotting and writing, so hopefully that goes well enough that I have a big goofy dialogue hairball in Yarn to show off with.