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someone sounds exicted lol

I DID IT-can I have that guud shardkeeper lore now? 

yes you can :D

the limit for a shard keeper's shard is three

once a shard cracks it cant really be fixed

color = power

the color of the shard doesnt define the power

youll learn more along the way

oki! I gotz to name her-uhhhhhhhhhhh-oh lord oki we just need some sort of weird, somewhat naturey name- 


thats a nice name :D

Thankie. Oki wait can I have a history lesson on Zedos? 

yes you can

zedos is a somewhat god

think of him as a dictator, all he wants is chaos

so most of the shard keepers found a way to come to earth

zedos means  midnight chaos in english

zedos is infact a shard keeper but a different type

gotchu gotchu

this meme explains the relationship zedos has with elden lol