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For some reasons I find the game frustrating to play slightly more than anything else, but it's just the lack of ability to save or the lack of check point at all since how easy for you to just lose the entire run and have to do everything all over again but still, I'm fully aware that the game is at its Alpha state so, good job for the alpha version, very fun!

Here are the list of some "inconvenient" things I encounter in the game

1. The little bug one is absolutely annoying not because it's too fast but I can't aim down my weapon to its level when it's at my point blank range and I can't over run it since it's basically as fast as I can run. (and I'm ass at aiming)

2. Sometimes I just can't use the energy recovery potion and sometimes I consumed it but it didn't give me anything

3. At the power activating part when you have to go into the eggs room to get the keycard, there's a door that lead to the terminal that you must use the keycard on it to open it I'm  curious if this is intentional because if the player chose to use the keycard on the door then they will no longer be able to activate the power supply or are there other place I missed that have another keycard in it?

Aside from super annoying energy system to struggle I hope this feed back help even just a slightest! 

Thanks, it helps a lot. Since I'm kind of in a "dev-tunnel" and just don't recognize some problems as someone who played threw it x-times.