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Gracias...I was laughing today bc..y'know I found something funny and my ENTIRE family knows that when I laugh I laugh at my laugh so that is a lot of laughter, so my sister who only laughs at stupid tik toks, was like "stop laughing it's not that funny" and even though my other sister was like "Chill, it shouldn't annoy you that much" I am sick of her! She's always telling me what to do! Like when I'm watching yt on my laptop.."Turn it off" LIKE WHAT?! YOU CONTINUOUSLY WATCH GrAyS aNaToMy without your stupid Airpods (that you got in trouble for buying in the first place may I add) but do I say anything? N O

maybe talk to her about it 

she's too stupid and defensive and also I would NEVER talk to her
