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Elden: hm..

He looks at it and comes closer to it

He sees a wrecked spacecraft in the middle of a woods, smoking rising from it. It's made a large crater where it landed, and it's glowing a bright green. 

Elden: damn..

He looks at it, confused

The door creaks open automatically with a hiss, and a small girl starts to climb out. 

Elden: gahh!

He quickly makes a shield 

Elden: nope you can from the pits of andonë!!

:( andonë: basically the underworld for shard keepers ):

She frickin' FLIES out of the ship, glowing in the moonlight 

Elden: what the fuck!

The glow dims and fades away, and she falls to the ground in front of her ship with a soft thud, passing out. Elden can see that she's COVERED in scars and bruises, and her clothing's a bit ripped and torn. She's petite and dainty, but she's also pear-shaped-girl got them THUNDER THIGHSSSS- 

Elden: hm..

He pick her up

Elden: I guess I’m taking you home..

Her hair is very, very long, falling past her waist, and it swirls around Elden, soft blue tendrils wrapping around his wrists. He can see her pointy ears sticking out.