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I'm assuming this was the alien girl that you were talking about so here's 


oh she pretty-aight-do you wish to start or shalt I? 

(you please thanks love)


Amethyst is doing her thing when she sees a MYSTERIOUS GREEN GLOW off in the distance 

when she saw it she kind of didn't paying mind, given the fact that a lot of weird things were happening that month so she kept on swimming

She's startled by a loud explosion, rattling the quiet of the night and sending vibrations through the wherever-the-heck-they-are.

amethyst feel the vibrations through the water noticing that that wasn't normal, she quickly started swimming to wherever the vibrations were coming from

She sees a small, beaten up spacecraft, wrecked into the ground creating a large crater where it crashed. It seems to be the  source of the green glow 

Amethyst wasn't that good out of Water, she's a mermaid by the way, but she's not that good out of water meaning it's going to be hard for her to transform into a human and walk so she transformed and started tripping but she didn't give up and just kept crawling to the spacecraft when she got there she tried opening the door but it was really hard to

There's a hiss as the door opens automatically, a bit of smoke coming out of the ship. A small girl climbs out, covered in scratches and bruises, clothing a bit torn.