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Any way to get this to stop shutting down?


Hi, I'm sorry for the inconvenience. 
Could you please help me by answering some questions so I can find and fix the problem?
-How often does it happen?
-On which platform are you playing?
-Does it happen after loading a save?
-Does it happen after you chose an option in the middle of an h-scene?
-Does it happen when you open any of the menus?
- Does it give you an error or just shuts down?


When you hit the fast button  is when it shuts down other then that it runs good, saves good, only error I got was when I powered my phone down to clean the screen, on android  but that's only thing that shuts it down is the fast mode and I noticed it on the third girl in the cafe when you start on her but auto worked good then it dose it on Cleo and lea. Other then that ran good slows down a little but that happins on all games.


It seems it happens when you "skip" on repeatable scenes.
If you are using the universal version try with the arm64 version.
Thank you for answering, I'll do my best to fix that error.

(1 edit) (+2)

not a problem  ty for replying plus what I did play was nice good story.

What is the difference beetween universal and arm 64?

-arm64 works on newer Android devices.
-Universal works on every Android device but it's also larger.