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DOOMED is an aptly named tech demo jumpscare fest that feels like 7 different maps stitched together at random. Spawn in, wander around aimlessly, waiting for loud noise, walk to loud noise, even louder noise plays, new map. The only story element to speak of is the undead horse being beaten of “it was just a dream,” only for even that element to be immediately twisted to death as you quickly discover “it was not just a dream.”

Obviously, the game is still a demo, and I am fully prepared for a lot of the issues to be blamed on that but typically what goes well in horror game demos is utilizing small snippets of each feature your game has on offer to give the players a taste of what is to come. Not an eerily similar PT clone that feels more akin to a haphazardly put-together horror map as far as visual style and controls go (those being the four directional keys and nothing else). They were average at best. If the standard for horror games was not clipping through the floor into an endless abyss, you sure managed that. 5/10.

For my full live reaction.


I totally agree. The game doesn't make sense because I did it spontaneously without knowing what I want to do. For me, it was more of a test, because this is my first game. (sorry for the terrible English translation, I'm just Russian)