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At the first time, i don't know how to move, then i discover you must draw a path to move. that's interesting idea. 

the only problem is it's hard to click on wolf head, maybe you should increase click area more.

Then about wolf movement, i think it's funny. i laugh literally when saw the wolf chasing backward.

But the second level, the sheep move too fast. i don't even finish drawing path when the sheep crossing the map

nice game btw.

Thanks for playing the game, yap I agree with you to increase the click area. I gave the click area just around its head.

you can assume if the backward is part of surprise :p because I also surprise of it, lol.

Yap, I just realize it recently for the bug in the second stage, but since the submission is closed I think it's not eligible to edit it now, I will fix it after the voting.

Thank you.