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K i finished 

heres mine

OoOoOo mkay u start

Asmin's sitting on a rock close to the ocean but more surrounded by trees and Forest and stuff like that, she's just watching the ocean that you can't go in being the fact that Triton,Greek Sea-God of Waves & Calm Seas, Herald of Poseidon..has banned me from the ocean, all I can do is sit and watch the ocean as all my memories of my parents and everyone around me flood away..

(1 edit)

(Oh geez lol)

Shes playing with a frog just at the edge of the water

(Imma be afk for a bit bye!)

she see's some one but doesn't pay mind

she starts snort laughing when the frog flips upside down and gets angry trying to flip back over

Armin laughed at the girl laughing and her laugh was silent

the frog fixes itself and bites her toe and she slaps the frog and angrily turns around

she kept laughing attracting attention