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he ignored it once again and saw the berries the closer he got

"yes, there you go!"


He's panicked, one more branch and Alvin will reach him

he got up the branch and saw the berries he smiled and bent down to grab something

He sees Darcy, who just stares at him, eyes wide and panicked, frozen in fear 

" there anything wrong..?"


"Why should I ca-.."

he saw the dog

"omg, can I pet him..?"

Uh-he don't got a dog-he has a fox friend...

"Hmph-he's his own person-and he doesn't like being pet by overly friendly strangers..." 

I knew that I was looking for that word but couldn't find it lol-

"welp good thing I hate people and love animals"

he snapped and a dead rat popped in his hands he held it out to the fox

"here you go buddy"

He happily snatches it up with his jaws and monches on it, tail wagging. Darcy still looks at Alvin distrustingly