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If villain bad, why so hot?

If villain bad, why so relatable?

If villain bad, why more in depth than hero?

If villain bad, why sad backstory?

If villain bad, why hero so annoying?

If villain bad, why good fashion sense?

If villain bad, why treat love interest so nicely?

If villain bad, why same trauma as me?

If villain bad, why so interesting?

Villain not bad. Villain need a hug 💕💕💕💗

C A T R A.

but adora isn’t annoying.

She is sometimes...

i- also catra isn’t actually like a villain fr. shes threatening and opposing adora and all but shes just not a villain. Shes only doing any of this cause of like stuff and things. Traumaaaaa. You know.

(1 edit)

I knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww-

I identify with Catra on a deep emotional level.

I have a lot of the same trauma that she does. 

ok im sorry. I just wanted to point that out-

Then why did the burn down the orphanage- 

my guy I don't think you get it.