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This was fantastic! Very well done. Love the style, humor, and mechanics!

There was an interesting bug I hit: I was able to draw the sword before being sent back to hell, but wasn't able to swing it (so that first death still occurred). Then after, I was gifted the sword I was already holding, as it sparkled slightly and my character reacted in awe ;D It's a fun bug at least, reminds me of some of the old NES/SNES games ;D

I was actually getting a bit frustrated at first from the lack of a "direct up/down" attack. I kept wanting to press up+attack, but would just be gifted with a slow death animation. I finally found a nice flow with that awesome mob logic by kiting the enemies back and forth: lead them away and into a line, back and swipe, retreat, etc. However, then I'd have to backtrack after a massive massacre and make sure I didn't miss anything, which felt a bit jarring with . I'm wondering if enemies re-spawing would help keep the pace a bit better, and keep the player on their toes a bit more. Wouldn't have to be all out mobs, but just slow enough to catch unwary or pokey players off guard. This game seems like a great fit for a high difficulty and heavy suspense.

Everything else about the game is so great. Everything has that juiciness, the transformation mechanic worked well and had a lot of promise for puzzles, and you packed a large amount of content and polish. It's extremely impressive! Can't wait to see more ;D