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when I was younger yes

Now of days I perpously blink fast so I can see those sparkle thinging 

You know

Those inverted sparkle things when someone flashes a flashlight at you

I feel like I’m the only person who does that

I don't like tjoze-


I also do other things that confuses people

- makes paint out of chalk

-opening and closing the fridge slowly so I can see the light turn off

- sleeping on the floor

- playing with light switches

-laughing at people falling down the stairs

Oh and wiggling my toes

I like doing that too :3

I uh

Bounce up and downs and wave my arms bak and forth

Put mine arms in t rex position whenever i have long sleeves

Sometimes i think out and have conversations wit characters i make up in mai head

I press my handz into my eyes and repeat wordz when im upset or remembering a bad memori

I can't eat rice or tofu cos my mouth gets really upset and tries to get it out

An i have to cut the tags out of everything cos light touch makes me really uncomfortable and i can't let ut touch meh

An i have to have my shoes the same tightness 

An i don't waear soks becas the seams have to be touching the end of my toes 



I tend to do the t-Rex thing but I go full out

I walk like a powerful goblin lol