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(1 edit)

(where  do you wanna before she left or after she came back..?)

(probably after-I'm assumin Asrian is the diety-) 

(2 edits)

Zirian came back she wanted too see what her town was like she kinda missed it but not all that much, Zirian was walking down the path as everyone was buying things she had on a mantle covering her beautiful hair and body, she was surprised the town was together but she supposed that it was nice someone was taking care of the kingdom and it's town people..she head to the castle almost in a hurry given the fact that the kings daughter, Anastasia was there she was very excited too see her and the kingdom she got there feeling a bit worn out and exhausted making her gasp for air as she was running her mantle stayed it didn't come off and yet when the kingdom saw her they knew who it was right away, but they acted like they didn't

(when I said buying things that meant like the way people did in the ANIMATED movie not the real but the animated movie Aladdin)

Asrian was just wandering through the kingdom's marketplace a bit absentmindedly. No one noticed him or payed him any mind, since he was still invisible to most of the townspeople. Asrian was and had always been shy, and he was much more of a follower than a leader. Still, when he had stumbled across the town during his nightly rounds providing light and seen how desperate the townsfolk were, he tried his best to step in and take care of them in any way he could. He had aided them in building a lighthouse and made sure that the fire that burned within it stayed strong, leading ships to shore. This had greatly improved the kingdom's economy since due to the lack of shipwrecks, the kingdom was able to import and export much more, and now the market was bustling, full of people and many more merchants. Not many people knew of his existence, but rumors had spread, and the townsfolk were constantly whispering about the strange yet handsome young diety who had aided their kingdom. Since Asrian was a relatively unknown god, they didn't even know his name, they merely knew bits and pieces of the miracles he had performed and his strange appearance. 

"Greetings, My name is Zirian..and I have come back.."

she smiled and took her mantle off and smiled she looked at the king,queen and princess

(Am I doing them?)

(1 edit)

(yes please for right now but when u use asrian to talk to them ill be them)

(Ok that's fine-) 

The princess and queen curtsy and the king bows 

King: "Your eminence, it is truly an honor to bask in your divine presence." 

Queen: "Have you returned to guide us once again?" 

"My pleasure, and your highness..I would like to start off..I would but If there's someone that's already in the position of doing so and they are doing better then I ever could then they may keep it but if there isn't I would gladly take the position and apologize to the whole town about leaving with trace."