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Yes, Doom1.wad is the mod, I bundled it with GZDoom for people not-as techsavy as me. And make sure you have OpenGL 3.3 (2014+). If you don't meet those requirements, copy the Doom1.wad out of the folder and get a different SourcePort, or install FreeDoom on android (there is no PC Version) (Download here:, and connect your andoid device to your computer and copy the Doom1.wad file to where the Wad Files are (SD or Internal:\Freedoom\config\wads). and you can now play it (You can use a BT Keyboard or Controller to play too.

So if i want to play i have to do it with another platform, right?

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If the bundled GZDoom does not work, then yes

I just Realized that you can just install ZDoom on ur pc

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I didin't say LZDoom because that probably does not work too