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my idea was there are children out there who were murdered then someone made a doll of them and they would posess it. The child plays with another child who has said doll and must win them in a game say hide and seek. Once they are caught they die and their death is left a mystery and they turn to a doll as well making the "it" and they need to win another child in a game to escape the doll and possess the childs body giving them the ability to live a normal life. I also have a bunch of other stuff which wasn't needed in the story but it's something. Anyway this little girl died as well in hide and seek with a doll back in 1912 and this girl who dies in the story was the person who has the doll of her meaning she's trying to win a game. At the end the 18 year old we follow the story of is dead and has gone into doll form. The cycle continues and such. I really think the only problem is I need to make it more eerie. But now I realise I need to make my point clearer as well judging by the fact that you did not get what was happening.

oh i see! Im really sorry if i sounded like i was looking down on the story, i thought it was really nice!

Oh no it's fine. Now that I explained does the ending make more sense?

yeah, it really does!
