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*🌨* ~ Azeroth would glare at you his gaze sharp and terrifying. Though focusing back he grabbed a whole giant box of it and drink them all still not drunk he would pour something in them. It seemed like he was somewhat drunk but barely so he wouldn't destroy this human spot . . .

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*🌨* ~ Azeroth would get up and walked out. The humans listened to what he wanted he didn't kill them. He would slowly leave though chilling by a Tree.

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*🌨* ~ He would ignore Dani looking at a very high leveled Demon Magic Book.

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*🌨* ~ Azeroth would put it away his Demon horns slowly peeking from his hair though barely . .

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*🌨* ~ Azeroth would answer, `None of your concern. If you come any closer however I'll do option one or two!` (First rip your soul out) (Two tera you limb from limb)

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