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Frankie caught conscious again and looked around for someone

lawkins: over here pretty one!!

He comes close to her

she was confused but she saw him and she looked at him in a confused way


she pointed to herself confused still

lawkins: ya! You!

(1 edit)

Frankie:o-oh..i-i´m coming..

she got up and she was very short you´d expect her to be taller, she walked closer to him smiling nervously

lawkins: hi! I’m lawkins, I mea. That isn’t my name thingy.. you look pretty!

Frankie:hi..o-oh..thank look nice too..

she to see him but she couldn't cause she was too short so I she could see what his his jawline and his neck

Frankie:i-..i-..- can´t really see your face..

lawkin: hm? Oh! You wanna see my face?

He stoops down and puts up hir hair, you see that lawkins looks feminine 

Lawkins; your kinda short!

she smiled 

Frankie:your very handsom-..hey i´m not that short..hmph!..¨

she started pouting

lawkins: eh, you could call me pretty dear, 

They mumble under there breath

Lawkins: or maybe sexy..