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Hotaru was in her room at the church trying to use her powers but nothing seemed to work. She wondered if she had no powers. If she really was useless. Hotaru wanted to be a magic knight in the Golden Dawn but if she went to the exam she knows that not even the Black Bulls will take her. Especially not with their new uprising in power when the new guy Asta came along. And not with the fight to prove Asta has control over his demon form. She felt hope less and went to the giant skull at Hage Village where Asta lived

(2 edits)

Maven arrived in Hage Village she knew nothing about this Village she just knew that that's where the first Wizard King defeated the demons,she planned on going there because she knew that's where the Wizard King first started and she wanted to start in a fully comfortable and nice place,where you would think you would feel comfortable given the fact that it's more of a ¨peasant¨ type of town, so she knew if she told them that she was also a present where she previously lived they wouldn't believe her for that and she took that in travel there it took about 3 to 5 days I had arrived but she did anyway, knowing how long that the travel would be she still took the chances of trying out her dreams, when she arrived she looked for a church and she found one she saw how small and Rusty it was, but she really didn't mind it as long as she had a place to stay

¨It isn´t much..but it´ll do for now..¨

Hotaru heads to the church. She visits everyday she notices Maven and freezes up. She's too scared to go up to her if something happens she has no means of protection

Maven heard footsteps and turned around, she was very calm knowing she only had one protection spell and that wasn't even powerful enough to protect yourself

¨..uhm..I-..are you here to hurt me..?¨

her voice was usually very very soft but when she interacted with someone she was very very confident her voice would change in a whole different way and it would all be weird but it was like she didn't want to seem like she wasn't strong so her voice got really stiff and  confident

Hotaru is frozen in place. She blurts through her fear

"Who are you?"

Maven could tell that she was weak and powerless it was really easy to tell because she didn't even bring out her grimoire, which is very important for you to bring out during fear or some type of emotion that doesn't feel goodbut Maven didn't see her that way Maven saw her as a person trying to achieve her dreams but didn't have either the confidence or the power..she didn't say any of this to Hotaru because she didn't want her to feel miserable about what she doesn't have


"Hotaru... what are you doing at the church?"

¨..I´ve traveled from Diamond Kingdom to try to make my dreams come true one would accept me there..they would make fun of me and call me i´ve come here to have a better life.And fulfill my dreams of becoming a Magic Knight Captain..I mean no harm..¨

"oh. Ok."

Father Orsi comes out and greets Maven and Hotaru then takes them inside

Maven greeted him and came in she was very cold and her feet was tired she really hungry she didn´t say anything since she was trying to be annoying