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oh oki! Who shalt you use?

(1 edit)

i dunno is it a gay rp or straight rp

fandom O-O

im sorry i meant gay or straight rp..?

honestly anything. I'm using

Hotaru (no last name she's an orphan) her Grimoire has no leaves and she doesn't even have anything written in it. So I'm sure you can guess no one likes her.

ok do u want to make a person orrr be a person from the anime?

that is your choice.

is she a lesbian because i have Maven

I guess you could say so yes but she's bi but like yeah she still likes girls.

ok well Mavens Grimoire is has hell flames on it and it's blue she powerful but not really..powerful she's in between she's 18 and shes a "peasant" she lives no were near the clover kingdom..she's in the diamond kingdom..while hotaru is in the clover kingdom...