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This is a great idea and well executed (particularly the hosting/finding games, it was really easy to find a player to test our "Mirror Matieness".

Couple of suggestions:
- an eraser would be swell (I was playing on a trackpad and it's hard to draw a straight line!)
- more feedback on our rating at every round (I'd love to see the % the algo came up with)
- when clicking in out of the window and back in, the paint brush is usually a couple of pixels off the mouse pointer

Thank you for the positiv feedback :D Yes youre right an eraser would be nice, this idea came up to lately ;D Actually you see the percentage of the algorithm above the to compared images. but it is apperantly a little to small i should have made a bit bigger or easier to notice. And Ive never noticed that mouse bug. I will get into that, thank you for your comment :D