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Name: Mariana Dawson
Age: 19 - Born 1st of May
Appearance: Standing short and slight with tan skin, Mariana has a distrustful feel about her.
She has a long face, a flat nose, full lips, and her black eyes are puffy.
Her dark cyan hair is long and lank, and is lightly gelled.
She usually wears immaculate, fine clothes that are mostly dark-coloured, and she wears no jewellery. She is usually seen wearing glasses.
Personality: Friendly, relaxed , rebellious (if they can't live the way they feel is right), loyal, self-confident.
Personal Status
Social Class: Upper middle class
Education: A grade student
Marital status: single (Pansexual)
Job: Gymnast (Work experience) - 62% satisfied
Financial status: Comfortable
Personal views
Religious view: Agonistic 
World view: Optimist
Racial views: "Everyone is the same"
Gender bias: "I hate sexism"
Age preference: "you should always take young people seriously"
Nationalism: "I dislike patriotism"
Conflict: "All problems can be solved by talking"
Physical/Health: Insomniac
Quirks: Often eats mints, Often chews their hair, Sleep-walks
Likes: Doing jigsaw puzzles, Visiting museums, mints and gum
Dislikes: Being nude, Dead legs, Screaming children in public
Afraid of: Being nude
Self-satisfaction: 37% - Increasing
Fitness level: 90% - Stable
Motivator: A lack of morals
Skills: Skilled at drawing. Very good at soccer.
Colours: Likes lime, hates sky blue
Music: Likes all except for Western
Foods: Other people's cooking
Book Genre: Humour



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