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❀ 🍒 Young-Soo's alarm clock would ring loudly. She'd hit it with a pillow the sound of it falling onto the floor would wake her a bit. She would rub her eyes and yawn. Stretching a bit before muttering, `I love mornings. I can't wait to feel refreshed!` She would take a shower and put on a cute outfit to go to the park. The days were always hectic in South Korea or so she always believed. Though it was mostly peaceful since she lives sorta in the middle of nowhere but also doesn't. She'd brush out her hair and ran outside before tripping on a rock accidentally. She'd carry on though having a scrap . . .  🍓 ❀

Wilda waking up to the sound of her phone beeping she walked to her refrigerator Then she realized she forgot to get groceries She got dressed and left her house

❀ 🍒 Young-Soo happy as a bird would run along to the Park. Though going to the grocery store to pick up some Sugar Cookies his mother liked. He wanted to do something nice for her of course 🍓 ❀

After a nice walk to the the store she looked for milk, cereal, lunch meat, ect.

❀ 🍒 Young-Soo would run into you then tripping on the floor he would apologize picking up his Sugar Cookies 🍓 ❀

"Oh its fine" she said picking up the the milk and other things 

❀ 🍒 She'd get up and walk out of the store heading to the Park to relax and take her mind off things . .  🍓 ❀